He had set up two charitable trusts 他已设立了两个慈善信托机构。
And he's also collaborating with the Pew Charitable Trusts, a nonprofit that's trying to curb illegal fishing with a program called Eyes on the Seas. 他也和一家非盈利组织皮尤慈善受托基金合作。这个组织试图用一个被称作海洋上的眼睛的计划来控制非法捕鱼。
Coutts, for example, is involved with setting up structures such as family charitable trusts, and then managing the money in them. 例如,coutts银行就参与了建立家族慈善信托等架构,然后帮助管理其中的资金。
The list of approved charitable institutions and trusts of a public character and the information pamphlet on charities are also available on our home page. 市民可浏览本局网页,查阅认可慈善机构及信托团体名单及有关慈善团体的资料小册子。
The Tatas run two of the largest charitable trusts in India. 塔塔集团及其子公司拥有印度规模最大的两家慈善信托基金。
Certificate of registration on the list of approved charitable institutions or trusts of a public character; 注册为认可慈善机构或公共性质的信托团体的证书;
This week, researchers from the Pew Charitable Trusts predicted that three percent of all homeowners will be in foreclosure in the next few years. 本周,皮尤慈善信托基金会的研究人员预测,3%的房主将在未来几年内遭遇(房产)没收。
Tata also is proud of its tradition of giving money to important causes.2/3 of Tata Sons is owned by charitable trusts that are part of the Tata Group. 塔塔为重要事业资金支持的优良传统引以为荣。塔塔子公司的三分之二的股份是由隶属塔塔集团一部分的公益信托所掌管。
Charitable express trusts are used to create large philanthropic foundations. 慈善书面信托是用来建立大的慈善基金。
Two-thirds of Tata Sons is owned by charitable trusts that are part of the Tata Group. Thus the whole historical movement is concentrated in the hands of the bourgeoisie; 的集团资产掌握在其从属的公益信托公司手中。因此,整个历史运动都集中在资产阶级手里;
On the Application of the Cy-Pres Doctrine of the Charitable Trusts 论公益信托中最近似原则的适用
In a word, The development of Charitable Trusts can promote the development of China's public welfare and make the sociality to be more justice and harmony. 发展公益信托,可以推动我国公益事业的发展,有利于促进社会的公正、和谐。
First, in terms of the inner ideas, the system of charitable trusts is established on the basis of the basic ideas of charity law, which means it is subject to the ideas, objectives and basic principles of charity law. 第一,在内在理念上,公益信托是在慈善法的基本理念的基础上建立起来的制度,以慈善法的理念、目标与基本原则为归依。